Paper Packaging

To make your Packages stand out!

Honeycomb Paper Bubble

This honey comb paper ensures your valuables to be safe and immune from damages. Our honey comb paper provides air cushion technology which protects the package from getting damaged from drops. This also eliminates any rattling of the package which ensures the smooth & safe shipping. This is a solid piece of eco – friendly paper which is cut in such a way to create a naturally occurring cushioning, to the product. While using this you can take a peace of mind. This Honey Comb Paper Bubble does exactly what its name suggests. Tiny air pockets create a cushion to the the packaging. Our paper is 100% bio – degradable nad non – toxic. which is a win – win for us and our planet.

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Shredded Tissue

Shredded paper provides a asthetic look to your valuable packaging, which also doubles as cushioning. Available in any colour of your choice. To perfectly express your feelings according to your mood and needs. Gives an antique and rare look, because we believe first impression a the last. Better to make it best. These are the paper pieces which naturally creates a cushioning effects to the packaging. You can aloso choose different colours of shreds to even more customise the look of your package. Easily Bio – degradable which doesn’t harm the plant earth. Non – Toxic to ensure the planets healthy eco system.

Kraft Paper Rolls

Kraft Paper Rolls are fully recycled and eco – friendly. Best use is to cover the product to create a suspense felling when unboxing. Which creates a royal felling to your product and also gives a premium taste to the product. when rolled with the Kraft Paper and packed with our packaging options, it provides a colourfulness to our whole packaging. Our Kraft Paper Rolls are 100% recycled and Eco – Friendly. Available in different colours of your desire. Which elevates the overall look and creates a customised look to the package. We suggest using it with the logo or watermark of the product description to even more enhance the look.

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